Sheryl Parkinson is a founding partner of Hohenstein & Parkinson, LLP. Throughout her legal career, Sheryl handled numerous complex legal matters requiring close analysis and cogent advice. She represented individuals and entities in contentious criminal and civil matters and proceedings.
Sheryl began her legal career as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Navy’s Judge Advocate General’s Corps. During her eight years of active duty service, she was stationed in San Diego, San Francisco and Bangor, Washington. In San Diego, she was initially assigned to the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate for Commander, Naval Base San Diego, where she was Head of the Review Section, with additional duties as a special trial counsel and officer separation counsel. She then transferred to the Naval Legal Services Office, San Diego, as a defense counsel and legal assistance officer. In San Francisco, Sheryl was the Principal Assistant Staff Judge Advocate, Naval Station Treasure Island. In her final active duty assignment, she was the Command Legal Officer at the Naval Submarine Base Bangor, Washington, with additional duties as a Special Assistant U.S. Attorney.
During her active duty service, Sheryl appeared in over 75 courts-martial and represented individuals and the Navy before various administrative fora. Additionally, she had significant responsibility in the Navy’s appellate review process, which required the mastery of complex areas of the law and close analysis of the factors leading to appellate decisions. Especially at her assignments in San Francisco and Bangor, she provided timely and succinct advice to Commanding Officers on a multitude of legal issues.
She began her civilian career with the Navy’s Office of General Counsel in 1989. Sheryl’s first position was with the Navy Regional Contracting Center, Washington D.C. This work included the legal analysis of numerous contracts involving substantial government funds, as well as representing the government in the resolution of disputes arising from those contracts. After moving to New York City in 1990, she accepted a position as an attorney with the headquarters of the Navy Exchange Command where her ultimate position (until 1995) was as Counsel, the senior attorney at that command. The Navy Exchange Command operates the Navy’s world-wide retail stores. As Counsel, Sheryl was responsible for all legal aspects of this multi-million dollar business operation.
She continued her service in the naval reserve and served in several different reserve units. Sheryl completed her naval reserve service as the Commanding Officer of Naval Reserve Voluntary Training Unit Law 0433 at the Navy Operations Service Center, New York. In this position, she was tasked with organizing and providing legal services to over 1,000 naval reserve personnel, as well as advising the local command on all legal issues.
Having completed thirty-four years of naval service, active and reserve, Sheryl retired from the Navy in 2014 with the rank of Commander.